Happy Santa Lucia Day! (Dec 13th)

We waited, stamped our feet in the deep snow. Night was at its longest; Bitter Winter ruled. Today Santa Lucia would arrive, her crown of candles pushing back the darkness, her basket of hot cranberry-cardamom buns and those sweet, tiny oranges swinging heavy on her lissome arm.

But the dawn didn’t come.

Snow squeaked under the approaching clump of heavy Sorels. We squinted into the darkness. A misshapen lump approached, listing from one side to the other.

“What the hell, Lucy!”

“What? Solstice isn’t until the 21st!”

“You keep forgetting—we’re on the Gregorian calendar now!”

“Shit! Sorry Guys.”


© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2017)
Anita Stewart’s Microfiction Madness: Write a 100 word or less story or poem inspired by the following: A December holiday has gone missing. Which one, why, and what happened? Include the word cranberry.

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