The Big Bang

Hot Air Flying machine


“What is all this stuff?” George leaned into the workroom, one hand on the door frame, afraid to step beyond the door sill and into what looked to him like an explosion in a junk yard.   Continue reading

Four and Twenty

cook carrying a blackbird pie, like the nursery rhyme

Source: “The Song of Sixpence” (1881), Walter Crane

The  Hunter’s moon rose high as Henry knelt, pulling the pie out of the oven. Dear Liza’d been sent, holey bucket in hand, to gather autumn leaves for decoration. For their 154th anniversary, he’d sworn to make the pie on his own, Continue reading

Superhero Stuff

shadow silhouette in a dark hallwayThe challenge? Write a story in 6 sentences, no more & no less, and if you’d like, share your creation or just visit and comment on others’ ideas, with GirlieOnTheEdge, Denise. The prompt is “Marvel”, and here’s where you join the party: Six Sentence Stories

Superhero Stuff

Most superheroes start out simply.

A being of humble origin but fatally flawed,

is robbed of a birthright,

ejected from a home planet,

or altered by science gone wrong.  Continue reading