
The Hundred Acre Wood Goes Dark

Bunch of carrots

Carrots. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons

Family, friends and relations were spread all about the warren’s floor, bellies pooched upwards, at the insistence of their innards. The holiday feast, so successful, meant that nobody had energy enough to grab the remote and turn on the football game. “Oh my!” they all sighed. Continue reading

A Wild Hare: Post-pandemica

This week’s prompt from Carrot Ranch was to write a microfiction off the prompt “A rabbit on the roof.” Challenge accepted. Hope you all enjoy and empathize!

Wild Hare (Merrie Melodies. 07/27/1940)

Creds to Wild Hare (Merrie Melodies. 07/27/1940)

A Wild Hare: Post-pandemica

I looked in the mirror, unsure. Six months quarantine, but now it’s safe to go out. I stepped out back, hesitating to shake free the sheet full of recently cut hair. Could this be used? Continue reading