
The challenge? Write a story in 6 sentences, no more & no less, and if you’d like, share your creation or just visit and comment on others’ ideas, with GirlieOnTheEdge, Denise. The prompt is “VISA”, and here’s where you join the party: Six Sentence Stories  

***(And remember, I write fiction, so…)***

He glanced at the packet of papers, held between his thumb and first two fingers. “Well MY lawyer told me these don’t have to be returned until AFTER 30 days,” he sneered, releasing his fingers and scattering the pages across the floor. Continue reading

Breaking Chains

GlacierThe challenge? Write a story in 6 sentences, no more & no less, and if you’d like, share your creation or just visit and comment on others’ ideas, with GirlieOnTheEdge, Denise. The prompt is “Distance”, and here’s where you join the party: Six Sentence Stories

It had been one of their worst sessions, one in a steadily shortening list of tasks required to win her freedom. Continue reading