
© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2024)

19 thoughts on “Eccentric

  1. Great piece of writing, Liz, drawing the reader into your strange world with relatable characters.


    But, if I’m allowed a wee gripe, where’s our prompt photo?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh! I felt like I just nipped up a small bit of the photo’s content (though the link to the original prompt page is right up top), that it might actually distract the reader from the resulting story world.
      Story needs must trump all! Glad you liked my microflash!


  2. engaging story, endearing characters… and tragedy (I suppose that there’s a reason why so much literature has that element… something we all can identify with if not directly experience.

    the price of love

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You led me to drop right into this world, Liz.
    You have the faery-tale touch.
    The Devil’s Marsh Fever drawing him to the marsh’s edge… Hm.
    You’ve left me hanging on the cusp of good and evil.
    Fine story.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like a precursor to Covid. Loved this sentence. ‘His gratitude was immense, dark brown eyes shining stars when she’d disentangle his glasses from around his large ears, the better to clean the smudged lenses. ‘

    Liked by 1 person


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