Old Habits Die Hard

Glass of red wine, bottle tipped over

She raised her eyes and her chin just a bit, and sighed at the stack of “To-Do’s” sitting in her in-basket, and yes, it was her in-basket, because she’d assigned herself every one of those projects and it was always her turnContinue reading

The Single Blade

Yellow autumn leaves

Credit: Dreamstime.com

…Bows and trembles still,

But wind punishes, more likely to cut

Than caress and quicken the hopeful green of early months.

Pulsing chlorophyll sparking, breathing deep

The sinewy length of sultry Midsommer. Continue reading

Time to Replant

Glass block terrarium, as described in poem

A friend’s gifted garden moss becomes dry and flat in its simple cup,

Wire butterfly perched on curved handle.

Too much time wasted, waiting.

Envision an enclosed glass world, layered:

Lake Superior red sand;

Rocks harvested from long-ago summers

(pale girlie feet wavering white under icy waters);

A sneeze of dirt, for the moss that yields tiny, white blooms;

Additional plants to be identified;

A snail or two, sweet company?

Budget store clarifies: Re-use from home. 

            Window well pebbles;

            Superior rocks only;

            Drainage moss;

            Dirt from the cup;

            Hollow glass block: the world.

Vision realized: on time, in budget.

© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2023)

Carrot Ranch  Prompt (06/20/23): In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about grains of sand. Where are these grains and what importance do they hold? How many ways can you think of to use sand? Who interacts with the sand and why? Go where the prompt leads!