Making Scents

Sumo oranges

Subzero, Fahrenheit -451outside my window, but that’s really just me whining; we’ve been promised a high of 0 degrees F today, but the sun is shining hard through my south-facing windows to make my black cat’s fur hot.

Bread’s being kneaded, my spirits lifting with the yeasty dough, and the small Dutch Oven is ready to be loaded up and shoved into a hot oven. Ginger Carrot soup, heating for mid-afternoon lunch, draws wavy lines throughout the house, and I’m considering starting a pot of Beef Vegetable Borscht in my largest soup pot. That stuff freezes well and winter around here is just getting started.

All this effort beats zipping into an ankle-length down jacket, wool scarf and hat, Sorel boots and lined leather mitts; I’ll battle and  vanquish the cold with whatever aromas can be whipped up from fridge and pantry.

As a final, clarifying note, a Sumo orange  squats on my kitchen counter, waiting to be stripped; I’ll wear that scent too, as my favorite cold-weather perfume.

© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2022)

The challenge? Write a story in 6 sentences, no more & no less, and if you’d like, share your creation or just visit and comment on others’ ideas, with GirlieOnTheEdge, Denise. The prompt is “WEAR”, and here’s where you join the party:   Six Sentence Stories

22 thoughts on “Making Scents

  1. The sun makes anything better but on crazy cold arctic like days, there’s nothing like the aroma and smells of cooking and baking to elicit a smile and wrap us in the warmth from the kitchen (hm, gives me an idea, lol). Sumo orange scent is a wonderful pièce de résistance!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yep, there’s been some cold days and while I could WEAR the right clothes to venture out I have been cooking more, makes me feel like I’m doing something. This was a very cozy six. If it wasn’t so raw out I’d ski over and eat your food.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re making me hungry, Liz! I too had been puzzling over the Sumo, but now I think about it, I came across something similar in one of Sadje’s Sixes the other week (my memory is like the proverbial sieve).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Ginger Carrot soup, heating for mid-afternoon lunch, draws wavy lines throughout the house.” very excellent line!

    (you, I can seem why they’re called that! thanks for asking, Romi…. and Liz for the reply)

    Liked by 1 person


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