Gimme Shelter

Aspen forest at daybreak

“Too much noise going on out there, and nothing more I can do about it, than what I’m already doing.” She clicked off the TV and tossed the remote on the scarred, stained coffee table. “I wish I had a remote to use on myself and my busy thoughts!”

Treetops tossed and shadows shook from the one small window in her third floor apartment; she watched them and received her answer. Pulling on her Teva sandals, their Velcro cracking encouragement, she grabbed her keys and slammed the door as she pounded down the steps to find that small wooded urban park just half a mile away.

Shelter was always best found when she left the indoors behind.

© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2022)

The challenge? Write a story in 6 sentences, no more & no less, and if you’d like, share your creation or just visit and comment on others’ ideas, with GirlieOnTheEdge, Denise. The prompt is “SHELTER”, and here’s where you join the party: Six Sentence Stories

25 thoughts on “Gimme Shelter

  1. Oh yes! ‘Shelter was always best found wheh she left the indoors behind.’ Exactly what I’m expreiencing in my new seaside home. . (I had to look up Teva sandals. Turns out I have a pair!) And definitely the right remote for turning off busy thoughts, although here it’s the rhythm of the waves. Beautifully expressed universal truth, Liz

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a Great story!! And, oh how I’d really really love to have one of those remotes you mentioned–it would fix everything…maybe 🙂 Take care of YOU, blessings on the week ahead 🙂


  3. Exactly! That’s something the pandemic taught me: when I was frustrated with the virus and the restrictions, I found a walk in nature always cheered me up. It really is a remote for our mind!

    Liked by 1 person


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