Slim’s Search for Inspiration

Saloon There’s fun to be had at the Ranch as we read and write our way through quarantine. Come and join us (Hyperlink below)!

Sunlight flashed a line ‘cross the floor

Rusty squeak of batwing doors

A buckaroo walks into a bar…


Thumping boot heels, bright spurs

Barkeep looks up, unsure

Feels her Peacemaker snug on her hip


Buckaroo rolls, hoists her butt on the stool

Lays her arms on the counter

Hopes she ain’t been a fool


“Got a Poet Tree here?”


© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2020)

Carrot Ranch Poetry Prompt: To quote D. Avery “…this here saloon’s the hub. So it’s spoken word at the saloon this week. ‘Cept folks gotta write it fer us. So a slim slam, poems of 99, 59, or 9 words, short an’ sweet. Or savory. Or raw. Folks kin jist leave their slim slams as a comment.” 

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