Scraps From the Past

Kid fishing off dockShe picks up a marble, rolling and squeezing it in her palm at a searing memory of betrayal.

She lifts another object to her nose, breathes deep the unidentifiable organic aroma. This tiny scrap, nap nearly bald with love, is all that remains of her early childhood.

That other, wedged into the corner of the wooden box she’d pulled from the top closet shelf, is handled with care. Its barbs, rusted with neglect, are still dangerous. She remembers the doctor, his kind blue eyes as he snipped and extracted. She touches her cheek.

All alive, only in her memories.


© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2018)

Carrot Ranch Prompt (11/15/2018): In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that uses scraps. It can be scraps of dried flowers, paper, metal, fabric, food — any kind of scraps you can think of. Then write a story about those scraps and why they matter or what they make. Go where the prompt leads you.

14 thoughts on “Scraps From the Past

  1. Not quite fishy… but I got me a Harry Potter type scar long before Harry was a thought.

    I’ll stick to my crochet needles and their soft hooks to stitch my yarns… 😉
    (Well unless I use keys, or other writing implements for words!)

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