Spring’s Assurance

Spring is late, delayed by a blizzard that left two feet of soggy snow, making my front stair’s existence a Schrödinger’s cat. When late April sun emerged, so did we.

The regional park’s informal trails are muddy, steep hollows deceptive in snowpack. The opening lake teems below:

An eagle’s nest, with eagles nesting;

A beaver swimming, teeth sharpened on trees newly felled;

Ducks ducking, splashing and diving;

One blue heron stretching his neck, hopeful of tasty minnows.

Gimlet-eyed geese glare at our noisy progress, while two muskrats make little muskrats at water’s edge, another few solitaires nibbling new growth.

© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2018)

Carrot Ranch Prompt (04/19/2018): In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about forest bathing. You can use the Japanese term, Shinrin Yoku, or you can make up your own ideas about the phrase. Go where the prompt leads.


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