A Raven Speaks

“What did you see at the North Falls, Silas?” Sylvi looked into his dark eye.

He searched for words. His head teemed with questions and sensations. Few people gave him his due, mistaking him for his smaller-brained, raucous cousins. No mind. He and Sylvi understood each other, having traveled many miles together. He shook his feathery black beard.

“Who kidnapped Maeve?” she stroked a finger down his hooked beak, to calm and center him.

Ruffling his wings, he stretched his neck and croaked, “Wyatt!”

Sylvi straightened, laughing in relief. No harm done, then. Wyatt and Maeve were already betrothed.

© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2018)

Carrot Ranch Prompt (03/01/2018): In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes a raven. It can be in nature or used to describe humanity as a metaphor. Follow the bird. Go where the prompt leads.

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