Cora’s Fireweed

September’s last rays paled as velvet breezes whispered of long nights to come. Cora nestled deeper into a warm hollow at cliff’s edge, ignoring the salt sway of the fjord below.

Gripping her tail between front claws, she nibbled at fiery dreams.

Smallest in the clutch, she’d not found the final element to ensure her next passage. Jonah’d found lavender, Pete pine, and Minna bright marigold. Soon they, with their mother would migrate to the Northland to winter.

But what was her element?

Night sighed a hot pink scent.

Corazon’s triangular head lifted. Bugling once, her wings opened, joyful.

© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2018)

Carrot Ranch Prompt (02/08/2018): In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes fireweed. You can use it as the plant, a flower, a metaphor or as the name of someone or something. Go where the prompt leads. Burn bright when you write.

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