Living Well By Rambling On

hatchShe flattened the canvas bag for a clearer view out the back windows, smoothing the thick blue rug that had graced the tiny apartments of uncounted siblings and cousins. Smiling, she pushed the car door closed, the fractious rabble dozing within the family home sleeping on.

Her car glided silently down the drive and two blocks more before she started the engine. Cranking down a window, she hung an elbow over the edge, drinking in the Autumn breeze and sunrise through her opening pores.

She’d left a note on the kitchen table. Finally, it was her turn to ramble.


© Liz Husebye Hartmann (2017)


Carrot Ranch Prompt (12/29/2016): In 99 words (no more, no less) write a cozy story. What is it to be cozy, to experience Danish “hygge.”

“Simply, hygge is about living in the moment. It’s about spending quality, peaceful time in a calm environment with no agenda. It’s about humor, warmth and making connections. It’s about spending time alone and spending time with family. And it vanishes the moment your to-do list gets involved.”   From PBS ‘Is the secret of happiness contained in this Danish word?’

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